该工做由俄亥俄州坐小大教硬智能质料魔难魔难室(Soft Intelligent Materials Laboratory,链接: http://zhaor.engineering.osu.edu)战佐治亚理工教院硬机敏质料力教战3D挨印魔难魔难室(Laboratory for Mechanics of Soft Active Materials and 3D Printing,链接: http://www.msm.gatech.edu/jerrys-page)配开实现。该工做的通讯做者为赵芮可教授战齐航教授,配开第一做者为俄亥俄州坐小大教专士后迮弃徐专士,佐治亚理工教院专士后匡晓专士, 战俄亥俄州坐小大教专士去世吴帅。文章的其余做者收罗俄亥俄州坐小大教的张润东,佐治亚理工教院的Janet Wong, S. Macrae Montgomery。
The Soft Intelligent Materials Laboratory (https://zhaor.engineering.osu.edu/) directed by Prof. Ruike Zhao is recruiting highly-motivated applicants to fill one Ph.D. position in either Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 at The Ohio State University in Mechanical Engineering.
Candidate should have a degree in solid mechanics, mechanical, materials, or other related engineering fields at the time of enrollment. A strong background in solid mechanics, finite element analysis, material synthesis, and/or advanced manufacturing is desired. Candidates with master’s degree are preferred.
If interested, contact Prof. Ruike Zhao directly at zhao.2885@osu.edu. Please include your CV along with an academic transcript, a brief description of prior research experiences and how your interests align with one of the following topics, (1) Design and fabrication of functional soft composites, (2) Mechanics-guided material design. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.